The previously announced and eagerly anticipated Malka Tuti showcase expands to 24 hours, with I’m A Cliché label boss Cosmo Vitelli and Hugo Capablanca joining the likes of Khidja, Asaf Samuel & Katzele, Shari Vari live, Full Circle, Fantastic Twins live and Optimo (Espacio) in taking dancers on a dizzying and ambitious trip across day and night. The unmissable showcases continue, as the pioneering Zozo, mesmeric Eva Geist live and Sacha Mambo play in the prestigious name of Macadam Mambo and Andrea live, Zenker Brothers and Surgeon represent the iconic Ilian Tape sound, the latter having just released the twisted techno of The Golden Sea EP on the imprint earlier this month.

Bogus Trumper & DJ Trompete (Radio 80000 / Munich)