
Reelow talks about his relationship with Solid Grooves, his Reecords label and his EP with Proudly People

We sit down with Barcelona-based Reelow ahead of his ‘Third Eye’ EP with Italian duo Proudly People

1. Hi, thanks for talking to us today. Your ‘Third Eye EP’ with Proudly People drops on Rawthentic this month, for those that haven’t heard it could you tell us a bit more about the project?

Hey guys, thanks for having me for this one! Yes, you’re right it’s just on the corner. I think we all are so psyched about this one, because we’ve been friends for a few years now and we’ve liked each others music for such a long time. So after meeting and being nice to each other our baby is finally born. 

2. This was the first time you teamed up with Italian duo Proudly People, how was it working with these guys? And how does collaborating differ to solo productions?

To be honest I can’t remember exactly we started, but it was in Barcelona at some point last year in my studio. Then we just shared the projects online, but it’s a pain in the ass man. We really wanted to do our best and also make something special. But ended up being less is more style. Adult products. 

3. You recently started your new Reecords imprint; could you tell us a bit more about your vision behind this and what are you looking to achieve from the label?

Reecords is my own baby. The name is kinda simple and it means being free and doing what I want. Sometimes it was so stressful to wait until labels answered after sending demos. So with your own label you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. Your soul is not lying man. We need to make our own head space to become the person, artist and energy we want to be. But if we are waiting to follow other artists dreams, how can we be the person we want?  So, it’s important to do things on your own and if you are lucky, one day a label like Solid Grooves or any other successful labels will send you a short email: hey, send us some beats. 

4. You’re a key component of the Solid Grooves label, how is your working relationship with them?

I’m been part of the game for more than 3 years now. Pawsa called me on skype one day and asked I want to be part of the crew. I was and I’m happy with to work with them. They are hard workers and a humble team/family! 

5. You’re originally from Budapest, Hungary but are now based in Barcelona, what was the reason for your move and how do the two scenes compare to each other?

Weather and the vibez!!!! 

6. Away from your gigging schedule and making music, what else are you up to with your days? What’s your source of inspiration outside of music?

I’m really happy when i can do sports and hanging around with my friends and of course sleeping or trying to remember what I did yesterday.  I’m trying to find the balance between music and “normal life” which sounds mega boring but I’m 94 years old so gotta do it soon.

7. Finally, do you have any other projects in the pipeline for Reelow? And what can we expect from your Reecords label?

Reecords is only gonna be for my project and we are working on the “sublabel” to share the goodness from the artists I get on board. There a lots of huuuge talents waiting to shine.

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