
Negative COVID Test Certificate May Be Required To Attend UK Events

The Government Is Piloting Different Methods While Review Is Under Way

Oliver Dowden is culture secretary of the UK, and in an interview with Sky News, he revealed that there are considerations for a coronavirus “certificate” system for the reopening of larger events.

The certificate system would show whether people have had been vaccinated or received a COVID-19 negative test within a set amount of time.

In the same interview, Oliver Dowden said if “all goes to plan,” from the 21st if June, people would be able to return the events “in significant numbers.

He went on to say: “We’re piloting the different things that will enable that to happen – clearly it will have to be done in a COVID-secure way.

Continuing, he said: “Another thing that we are considering is a Covid certification, and we will be testing whether we can use Covid certification to help facilitate the return of sports.

It’s speculated that COVID-19 certificates would potentially mean less masks, hand-hygiene, tests, and one-way systems in public spaces.

Apparently, the final decisions had not been made, but Michael Gove who is the Minister for the Cabinet Office, is leading a review.

Making comments on events where capacity space is an issue, Oliver Dowden said: “Social distancing makes it very, very difficult … for theatre productions to be run profitably. It makes it very, very difficult for our football clubs to run profitably if you have to have those large distances between people.

He explained that the UK government was being cautious, because unlike last summer it wanted to ensure a “permanent reopening”.

H/T: The Guardian

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